Maths: Intent, implementation and Impact
At Dashwood Banbury Academy we want our maths curriculum to create a foundation to understand the world, an ability to reason mathematically and appreciation of the power of maths and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Maths is all around us, every day. An understanding of the core concepts allows us to make sense of this world and live our lives to the fullest. To enable this we have three whole school threads:
- To become fluent in the fundamentals of maths through varied and frequent practice of increasingly complex problems, so that children have conceptual understanding that they are able to apply effectively.
- To reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, making connections and developing proof using mathematical language.
- To solve problems by applying their knowledge to a variety of problems, including breaking down problems into simpler steps and persevering to find solutions.
These threads are weaved purposefully throughout every unit of maths so that the pupils are able to learn, practice, think deeply and apply their skills to different problems.
We have a comprehensive maths curriculum that has a clear progression of knowledge and skills. Maths will be implemented in the curriculum in a variety of ways:
- Learning is carefully sequenced throughout the year with number skills coming first, so that concepts are built upon and developed.
- They are taught in whole class daily lessons following a Mastery approach, that allow the children to become fluent, reason and problem solve.
- There are additional fluency lessons for number facts and times tables to enable quick and efficient recall of facts.
- Lessons are broken down into small steps that gradually unfold the concept, providing access for all.
- Children use representations (concrete or pictorial) to understand the structure of the maths with the aim of being able to do the abstract maths without this support.
- To understand the maths deeply, children are encouraged to think about, reason and discuss the maths with others.
- Lessons include both conceptual and procedural variation – Conceptual variation shows the underlying concept in different ways so that children get a holistic understanding of it. Procedural variation allows the children to progress through the questions by looking at what is the same or different about this question, when compared to the last one.
- We use White Rose Maths to support our teaching of Maths and Times Tables Rock Stars to support our Times Tables recall.
Intended Impact:
- For children to deeply understand mathematical concepts.
- For children to be able to explain their mathematical thinking
- For children to apply their knowledge in a different context and in the real world.
- Outcomes will show a variety of models used to explain their thinking.
- Progress will be assessed by weekly, low stakes assessments, end of unit assessments and formative assessment 3 times a year as well as ongoing teacher assessment
- Progress in recall of times tables will be monitored through Times Tables Rock Stars.
Find out more about supporting your child with their use of Times Tables Rock Stars at home. Watch this short video to ensure that your child gets the best from using this excellent learning platform that supports their learning and quick recall of times tables.
Should you wish to understand more about how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division please see the links to our calculation policies: