Year 3 Ash and Silver Birch
Hello! We are Ash class. We are a polite, friendly class who work hard to achieve our goals. Being the first year of Key Stage 2, we are becoming confident, independent members of Dashwood Banbury Academy.
Throughout the year, we will take part in interesting and inspiring topics, including learning about our town, its waterways and Ancient Egypt. We like our lessons to be fun and exciting; this gives us all a thirst for learning and helps our engagement! We complete work to the very best of our ability and take great pride in every piece of work.
This year we will be given an exciting opportunity to learn the recorder, go fossil hunting, visit a local village to look at differences to our own town and turn our artwork into cards for the local community.
We are encouraged to be brave and adventurous. We believe in ourselves and each other, creating things that we never knew that we could! Teamwork, creativity and real world outcomes are key to many of our lessons and we work hard to develop these skills. We hope that you enjoy looking at all of the things that we have been doing together.
Welcome to Silver Birch class. We have enjoyed the start of term where we have got to know our new teacher, our new classroom and have welcomed the new people who have joined the school recently.
In Silver Birch, we are friendly, curious and hardworking. We enjoy the challenges and opportunities we are given at Dashwood Banbury Academy, including the exciting chance to learn the recorder, go fossil hunting, visit a local village to look at differences to our own town and turn our artwork into cards for the local community. In the classroom, the children face challenges every day which really makes them think carefully about their learning and the relevance it has to their everyday lives.
We are really looking forward to the coming school terms where we can further develop the school’s aspirations ethos within the classroom, through the eight Conditions for Learning!
The Year 3 ‘What is new and different’ presentation is available as a video or to download. Lots of information about life in school including routines, uniform, PE, clubs, homework, expectations, attendance and behaviour.