English: Reading
Reading Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Dashwood Banbury Academy, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We know that if children are taught to read well in their early years, and throughout primary school, it allows greater independence within the classroom, contributes to academic success across all subjects and opens doors to a wealth of insightful stories, poems and non-fiction materials.
Our reading curriculum is designed to:
- Develop a love of reading, aiming to create lifelong readers and learners
- Expose children to rich vocabulary so they can use this to articulate their feelings and describe their knowledge, observations and experiences
- Develop abilities of decoding and comprehension so all children can interpret and apply knowledge in a range of contexts
To ensure that all of our pupils can read well, they read daily through a range of systems and approaches including:
- Early years and Key stage 1 have daily phonics sessions using the Read Write Inc. Set 1 and 2 sounds are taught in the Early years and then children progress to learning set 3 sounds during Key stage 1. Children are taught both as a class, in the first instance, and then grouped according to ability.
- Phonics is taught in Lower key stage 2 daily and in small intervention groups for those children who need more support.
Reading in the Early Years:
- Daily retelling of familiar and new stories/rhymes and poems using the class Talk for Writing texts, which encourages group participation to develop vocabulary and confidence with new language.
- Common exception words (red words) and sounds are integrated into the environment, both inside and outside, to encourage independent reading. Children have continuous access to the reading area to enjoy a range of stories.
- Guided reading takes place weekly for children with an adult.
- Reading books are taken home weekly as well as a sound book, which children are to complete at home.
Key stage 1 and Key Stage 2:
- Reading lessons are based on the content domains from the National Curriculum programme of study (2014) that are assessed in the National KS2 reading test. These domains are plotted out in the reading long term plan for each year group. Further objectives from the National Curriculum Programme of study (2014) are also plotted out to ensure a broad and rich reading experience.
- Guided and shared reading sessions happen daily including the teaching of reading strategies, such as echo reading, paired reading etc…
- One Talk for Reading unit is taught per term based on a high quality fiction, non-fiction book or poetry book.
- A class novel is shared every term which is either an ‘essential read’ or linked to their unit.
Accelerated reader is used in Years 2 – 6 to manage and monitor the children’s independent reading. Children can access this independently at home and in school.
- All children have a Lexia login to develop oral language, reading and spelling. All children access Lexia 3 x 20 minutes a week in school and can access it at home.
Our NEW reading library at Dashwood!
Have you seen our fantastic new library in The Grove? We have so many new books in this wonderful area under our whole-school tree.
Here is what some of our pupils said they like about it:
Ignacy: ‘I like it because it is not in a loud place. There are lots of great book for example if you like fantasy books, there is a whole section of these! My favourite book in there is Mega-Robo Bros!’
Dawid: ‘There are lots of different and interesting books, comics, superhero stories. Our library is perfect; I wouldn’t change anything!’
Sabrina: ‘I like that all the books are interesting and I can learn from them. I enjoy that it is comfy and welcoming. It is relaxing and a great space to be in!’
Pola: ‘There are a lot of new books that I enjoy reading and the area has nice decorations.’
All classes are allocated a slot each week to enjoy the books in this wonderful space!
Click here to find out about our experience of reading with royalty!
The Library Bus
Our library bus is a space used for reading at Dashwood Banbury Academy. Pupils can use this space at lunchtimes to either read on the bus or on the decking area outside. This engaging space is also used for phonics sessions!
- Pupil voice will show that children have a love of reading.
- Children in years 1 – 6 will show an improvement in reading ages through the use of star reader tests, every half term, and progress in levels in Lexia. Reading ages will be tracked 3 x a year.
- Low stakes testing using 3 day will be used daily/weekly for instance feedback to be gathered.
- PiXL reading assessments will be used in October/February and June.
- End of Key stage 1 and 2 National Assessment data will be measured and analysed.
Phonics screening tests will take place in EYFS (internally) and in Year 1, retakes in year 2.